What: The Junior Trax off road cycling skills course
Where: Lordship Rec
When: Every Saturday 10am to 1pm from 6th Feb to 6th March
How Much: FREE
To welcome in the new year The Trax off road cycling club of Lordship Rec are pleased to announce the launch of The Junior Trax off road cycling course for 10 to 16 year olds.
The course consists of 5 free skills sessions in the Rec running every Saturday morning from the 6th Feb to the 6th March. Each session starts at 10am and finishes at 1pm. The course is open for riders off all abilities.
You will learn practical bike maintenance skills and off road cycling techniques like good body position, braking, cornering, how to lift your front and back wheel as well as bunny hop over objects. There will also be fun group activities and races. At the end you will receive a course certificate.
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