The Shell Theatre Performing Arts Collective was set up in 2012 to help co-ordinate a range of performances and the refurbished open air theatre throughout the year.
Founding meeting:
Minutes of 1st meeting 17.04.12
Present: Joan Curtis (Friends of Lordship Rec), Anita Five (Wildcat Arts Collective), Esther Huss (Big Dance), Jacquie and Mark Baird (Tottenham Community Choir), Peter Desmond (LBH/Haringey Music Centre), Sarah Goddard (local parent), Sian Douglas (local resident and performing arts student), Dave Morris (Friends of Lordship Rec)
Apologies: Luisa Baker (Haringey Council, Lordship Rec regeneration coordinator), Sherry Nichols
(UK unsigned)
Joan gave an introduction to Shell Theatre Project. The Shell Theatre has been refurbished and the plan is to create an annual programme of events overseen by a collective of interested people. The report of results of last year’s Shell Theatre Questionnaire for park users was circulated.
Dave gave an overview of the history of the Shell from the 1930s to present day.
The meeting decided it would be advantageous to take a walk to the Shell theatre in the Rec to see what the space offered in terms of lighting and electricity.
Issues raised
· Risk assessment and insurance
· Who would pay for electricity
· How would the keys be available
· Fundraising
· What structure was needed to run the Shell as a venue
It was agreed that it was important that the Shell should have a regular programme of events, especially in the Summer, so that local people could see its potential as a space for them to use and enjoy. It was felt to be important that local people felt it was for them and run by them.
Esther gave information about the Big Dance event that was to take place in and around the shell theatre on 6th July. She has been working with local Willow and Brook Schools to create a wheelchair dance and is running workshops with Broadwater Farm residents.
The Lordship Rec Community Festival
The regeneration works in the Rec will be completed by end of July and the first big event in the Rec as a whole will be the launch festival on September 22nd.
As the front of the shell theatre also includes a freestyle area it was suggested that a proportion of the festival time should be used for various performances and the rest should be music/dj to support the skaters and bmx users.
All present were happy to provide a performance for the festival. Music Centre could involve the steel band or jazz band, Esther could provide dance project, the Choir would perform.
Since these early beginnings . . . . .
It was agreed that the aim for the Shell was that it be used by local performers and key into local performing arts groups and youth centres etc. Since the beginning of the Group there have been several major music events using the Shell theatre, the Rec and the Hub. These include: One World Folk Festival which included music and dance from across the world, Jazz Fest, including amazing Swing Bands outdoors in the Shell Theatre and lounge jazz in the Hub and also Blockorama, a steel pan extravaganza!