An expanded event this year?
Hi everyone!
Can you help organise this year’s Flower and Produce Show on Saturday September 14th, and even help turn it into a Green Fair?
Each year the Friends of Lordship Rec co-ordinate this fantastic community event with stalls, workshops, activities and the show/competition of things grown, cooked or crafted. Last year we added a small ‘Green Zone’. This year we’re calling for help to ensure it happens again and – if there’s enough support – to expand it into a Tottenham Green Fair.
So if you (and your organisation) think that sounds good plleeeeeeaase come along to the planning meeting. You can help out generally, or with specific activities you are interested in or have the skills for!
Please send your organisation’s support for the event (which we will add to the publicity), plus any ideas, offers of donations (we don’t currently have any funding secured) or other help etc. [Please note that at this stage there’s no need to apply for a stall, or to volunteer on the day itself].
best wishes!
Friends of Lordship Rec