September Events

Sunday September 2nd, 2pm

Friends of Lordship Rec open meeting at the Hub
discussing all things to do with Lordship Rec

Saturday September 15th, 1-5pm

Showcasing local food and flower growing, home baking and crafts. Stalls, workshops, pony rides and special Scarecrow Competition.
Bring entries to the show between 8.30-11am. Entry forms can be collected from Lordship Hub.

Free Workshops
by the show tent in the Rec or in the Hub

Martin 1.30-2-15
Plant propogation using cuttings
This workshop will provide you with the skills and knowledge to
use your existing plants to create more.
Ursula 2.00-3.00
Making a bottle Garden
Recycling plastic can be fun. Come along to this workshop and learn how to reuse your plastic water bottles to design and make beautful floral or miniature garden creations.
Robbie 3.15-4.15
Growing unusual and exotic crops
This workshop will take you through the process of growing some of the more unusual crops possible to cultivate in London.
Melissa 3.15-4.15
Winter colds herbal remedies
Come along and learn what herbal ingredients can be used to nurse yourself through winter colds.
Children’s art workshops by the scarecrow tent
All welcome