The regeneration works we’ve campaigned for are due to be completed in July. There’ll be a Celebration/Festival on Saturday September 22nd! Meanwhile why not attend the Friends Annual General meeting – All welcome!
SUNDAY 6th MAY, 2pm
In our temporary venue: Church on the Farm @ the back of the Opportunity Centre, Adams Rd, Broadwater Farm – 200 metres to the east of Broadwater Community Centre
Much of park remains open most of the time, but there’s disruption in some areas whilst works go on. A temporary ‘road’ has been created through the main field so the public can continue to use paths safely and paths aren’t damaged by works vehicles.
- A new Environmental Centre is being built by the playground The old hut was demolished, and a new larger ‘Hub’ is being built to include café, toilets, classroom and meeting room. The playground stays open (access from the back)
- The Shell Theatre has been refurbished as a staff depot, and for performances
- A new river channel has been created in the main field, with bridges & a ‘weir’ to raise water levels. The old ‘ditch’ channel got filled in, turned into a nature corridor.
- The old toilet block at the main entrance has been refurbished as an Info Shop.
- The historic Model Traffic Area is being resurfaced and restored
- Underground drainage pipes have been put in throughout the park.
- The sports field has been resurfaced and reseeded, ready for use at end of 2012
- New bike track A new track has been built around the adventure playground.
- Meadows/trees Meadows are being created & additional trees planted in many areas.
- Paths Some paths are being resurfaced, and more lighting, bins & benches added.
- Entrances Some of them will be repaired and enhanced with flower beds
Activities and some temporary relocations for park user groups
- The Friends Monthly Drop-Ins are at a temporary venue (see below).
- The Mother & Toddler Group are currently in the Broadwater Farm Community Centre, but they and the Friends will move to the new Environment Centre when its finished.
- The Trax Club holds weekly youth cycle sessions on Saturdays.
- The Dog Training Sessions have been suspended for a while…
- The Monday morning brisk health walks continue: 9.20am, meet at Downhills Gate
- Football Teams continue but have had to relocate temporarily
- Lordship Wildlife Group Meet monthly at Back2Earth office, Opportunity Centre
- Back 2 Earth Continue to promote community gardening & food-related projects
Broadwater Community Centre news
New Harmony Gardens are being created by volunteers in the grounds of the Centre, co-ordinated by ‘Back 2 Earth’. The Friday lunchtime cafe continues, 1pm-2pm.
Other centre activities continue! Refurbishment of some of the downstairs is planned.