The Big Lunch (19th July) at BWF Community Centre

Big Lunch

Sunday 19th July, 1-3pm, Broadwater Farm Community Centre

On Sunday 19th July 2009, The Big Lunch (an Eden Project initiative) is inviting 61 million people across the UK to simultaneously sit down to eat lunch with their neighbours, as a simple act of community.

The aim is to give people the tools to strengthen their communities through activities such as neighbourhood-watch; improving local amenities, taking care of the elderly or disabled; making imaginative improvements to the local environment and sharing resources. 

Haringey Council (Neighbourhood Management) is facilitating a Big Lunch on the green space of the Broadwater Farm Community Centre.  You, and members of your group, are warmly invited.

Food Co-op & Community Cafe OPEN – Fri 26th & Sat 27th June!

Back To Earth,Tottenham Invite you to the Tottenham Food Co-op & the Farm Community Kitchen / Cafe this Friday, June 26th & Saturday June 27thfrom 12-30 to 3-30.

Healthy, fresh,organic, sustainable fruit & veg from our own Tottenham Food Co-op, plus delicious,freshly cooked, world food from our Farm Community Kitchen.

The latest plans for Lordship Rec will be on display for your edification  & comments.

Continue reading “Food Co-op & Community Cafe OPEN – Fri 26th & Sat 27th June!”

Lordship Rec Community Festival

Monday 29th June, 6.30pm
Lordship Rec Community Festival (Sept 12th 2009) – Planning meeting
at the Broadwater Farm Community Centre, 1 Adams Rd, N17

All organisations and individuals are welcome to come and get involved!

Woodland Work-In in Lordship Rec

Sunday 31st May
2pm – 4pm @ the Woodland by Downhills Park Rd

Please come in your millions with wheelbarrows, buckets, shovels and secateurs!!!!

The Friends are holding another work-in to add more woodchip to the ‘middle’ path through the woods. This should complete all the paths and so we won’t need to do it again for another year. We also need to cut back the dense dogwood bushes to open up sightlines.

We’re hoping that many members and others will come along and help. Please, if you can, bring spades/wheelbarrows/buckets/gloves/secateurs etc.

All welcome!

Come and see the future plans for Lordship Recreation Ground

Section from the Master PlanWe are currently developing exciting plans to improve Lordship Recreation Ground. The plans include:

  • New City Farm
  • New Eco-Centre
  • Re-landscaping plans
  • Restoration of the River Moselle
  • Restoration of the Model Traffic Area,
  • Shell Theatre and Lordship Lane entrance
  • New Bike Track, and new Playground

You are invited to find out more about these exciting facilities. Please drop in to talk to us about these plans.

Jazz Café
Broadwater Farm Community Centre

Tuesday 9th June
Anytime from 4.30pm – 8pm

We look forward to seeing you there!

LBH Recreation Services + Lordship Rec Users Forum

Local Walks

Local walks organised by Tottenham Civic Society

Two walks ‘A history walk through Downhills Park – 24th May’ and ‘North Tottenham conservation area and the proposed Spurs development – 31st May’

Continue reading “Local Walks”