– WHEELY TOTS will be in the Model Traffic Area from 1-3pm, plus ROLLER DISCO there from 3-5pm.
– Activities in the OUTDOOR GYM 12-2pm, and at the TABLE TENNIS tables 1-5pm – PARENT AND TODDLERS GATHERING AND GAMES by the tree on the hill

Friends of Lordship Recreation Ground
– WHEELY TOTS will be in the Model Traffic Area from 1-3pm, plus ROLLER DISCO there from 3-5pm.
– Activities in the OUTDOOR GYM 12-2pm, and at the TABLE TENNIS tables 1-5pm – PARENT AND TODDLERS GATHERING AND GAMES by the tree on the hill
Saturday, July 9th 1-5pm
Sports, Crafts and performance day for young people from 6-19 yrs
In Lordship Rec at the Hub and in Broadwater Farm Community Centre
Various sports taster sessions and demonstrations, Talent Showcase, workshops and stalls
Free Event – All welcome!
Marathon Fun Day in Lordship Rec – Sunday April 26th, 9am-5pm
The Friends and other park user groups are planning a special Marathon Day to include publicity for the park’s potential for physical exercise.
– The Hub cafe will be promoting healthy eating and broadcasting the Marathon all day live from 9am, including the mass start at 10am.
– All welcome to join in the Walk Or Run: Its Fun! – Your Pace No Race… around the park starting at 11am at the Hub. Please register from 10.30am.
– And there will be fun and games (tug-of-war etc), 12-1pm.
– The Broadwater Farm Community Centre Gym will be open for free sessions – come and have a trial! 11am-3pm.
– Green Gym taster session at the Harmony Gardens, 2pm-2.30pm
– The Hub will host Feeling Good In The Rec, 1pm-5pm, healing therapies and fitness tasters.*
12-5pm BMX/Skate Jam in the skatepark, 12-5pm with competitions, music and food.
* Children must be accompanied by a parent/carer in the above organised events
Help raise funds for further improvements to Lordship Rec!
Please donate here at the button on the right hand side of this page…
Lordship Rec, Tottenham’s largest public park, has recently undergone a successful regeneration which has transformed a previously neglected and run-down green space into an attractive, well-used and vibrant park. The Friends of Lordship Rec, in partnership with Haringey Council’s Parks Service, have led this regeneration effort. However, there are a range of further improvements needed to complete the regeneration plans. 100% of the money raised by donations between now and April 30 will go towards some of the additional improvements needed, including: a drinking fountain, seating, wildlife habitats, equipment for volunteers, and signage.
How you can donate
– The Friends have set up a special DONATE button on their website’s home page. www.lordshiprec.org.uk
– Cheques [made out to ‘Friends of Lordship (Marathon)’] can be posted to the Friends of Lordship Rec.
Being active in the Rec
We are also using the opportunity to promote Lordship Rec, its attractive walking/jogging routes and the newly-installed distance markers on those routes. Why not come and try the routes for yourself! You can also join in the weekly walks organised by the Lordship Rec Walking Group every Monday morning, meeting up at 9.20am at the Downhills Park Road entrance. Or join in the monthly ‘Your Pace, No Race’ sessions on the first Sunday of each month – meet 11am outside the Hub cafe by the lake in the park. And there are the cycling groups, the Brakethru Club, football teams and others promoting physical activity – including a plan for outdoor gym equipment near the Hub..
Organised by Friends of Lordship Rec, Women’s Assoc of Lordship Rec, Lordship Walking Group, Your Pace No Race, Hub Co-op
8,000 residents attend to celebrate the community-led regeneration of Tottenham’s largest park, and to showcase the talents and interests of Tottenham’s communities
The 2012 Lordship Rec ‘Re-launch’ Community Festival in Tottenham on Saturday 22nd September was a huge success. 8,000 attended the celebration of the new community-led regeneration works in the Recreation Ground, and took part in a dazzling array of free activities for all ages and interests. From 11am to 5pm thousands joined in the sports, arts and crafts, music and dance, history, discussions, browsing of stalls, and other fun and educational activities. As in the previous annual festivals in the Rec, the idea was to showcase the talents and interests of Tottenham’s communities and to promote community spirit. Over 70 local volunteers helped the day go smoothly.
The event was organised and co-ordinated by the Lordship Rec Users Forum**, the community-led stakeholders organisation who have driven forward the successful regeneration of the park over the last 10 years. £5m of construction works over the last 18 mths (£4m from the Heritage Lottery Fund) have resulted in a gorgeous brand-new flower-lined channel for the River Moselle, a new ‘Loop’ bike track and an Environmental Hub building with café and classroom, refurbishment of the Shell Theatre, restoration of the historic and nationally-unique Model Traffic Area, new meadows, flower-beds and tree planting, and general improvements to drainage, paths and entrances. The festival was able to introduce all these new features and facilities to local residents. Continue reading “Community Festival ‘re-launches’ Tottenham’s largest park following £5m improvements”
Lordship Rec Users Forum and Haringey Leisure Services present…
In the Broadwater Farm Community Centre and its grounds, Adams Road, N17 6HE
Including sports participation programme, and the annual Tottenham horticulture (flower and produce) competition and show
@ Broadwater Farm Community Centre
Mondays, 5-7pm
Our project invites and encourages young females from different communities to take part in a number of sporting activities in a fun and friendly, female only environment.
As well as accessing FREE professional coaching, participants will be involved in a variety of sporting activities including roller-skating, boxing, table tennis and aerobics sessions.
Come and join us at Broadwater Farm Community Centre, Adams Road, Tottenham, N17 6HE, every Monday (Term time only) starting 25 January 2010 from 5pm until 7pm.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation on 020 8365 5138 or email karen.hills@tottenhamhotspur.com
Girls, Ladies and Women-only event – for all ages – and its totally free!
This Saturday 16th January
Broadwater Farm Community Centre
Adams Road, N17
12noon – 5pm
This is the inaugural Open Day for a calendar of activities, sports and free skills training, just for women. This Saturday, FOR FREE, try out a whole range of different sports: