Lordship Rec, N17
Saturday 20th September 2014, 12-6pm
– One World Folk Music at the Shell & Hub (By the Shell Performing Arts Collective)
– Tottenham Flower & Produce Show (By Friends of Lordship / Back 2 Earth)
– Dogs Day Out in the main field – Fun Dog Show / Free Micro-chipping and Tag Engraving / Dog Agility Course (By Battersea Dogs and Cats Home / Wood Green Animal Shelter)
– Sports Sessions in the main field (By Council’s Leisure Services) + free gym induction in the Broadwater Farm Community Centre
– BMX Action: trials and session on the Loop track (By Tottenham Bike Club)
– Harmony Gardens: Informative tours of the community food-growing garden (By Back 2 Earth’s Head Gardener)
– Open House tours of the Eco-Hub (By the Hub Co-op / Architects) and Cafe at the Eco-Hub (By Back 2 Earth)
– Youth consultation by the Loop,adventure playground and freestyle area
Getting active in the Rec!
Friends of Lordship Rec – for all park users
Sunday drop-ins at the Hub, 12-2pm. General meeting first Sunday of each month, 2pm, at Eco-Hub by the lake. All welcome. info@lordshiprec.live-website.com
Monday walking group
Meet Mondays 9.20am at Downhills Pk Rd entrance. All welcome. info@lordshiprec.live-website.com
Rockstone Foundation
Regular bikeability events and activities ricardo@rockstonebikealley.org
Parent & Toddler Group
Tues & Thurs 11am-2pm @ Eco-Hub by the lake. All parents/carers and their toddlers welcome. £2/£1 info@lordshiprec.live-website.com Continue reading “Getting active in the Rec!”
Community Festival ‘re-launches’ Tottenham’s largest park following £5m improvements
8,000 residents attend to celebrate the community-led regeneration of Tottenham’s largest park, and to showcase the talents and interests of Tottenham’s communities
The 2012 Lordship Rec ‘Re-launch’ Community Festival in Tottenham on Saturday 22nd September was a huge success. 8,000 attended the celebration of the new community-led regeneration works in the Recreation Ground, and took part in a dazzling array of free activities for all ages and interests. From 11am to 5pm thousands joined in the sports, arts and crafts, music and dance, history, discussions, browsing of stalls, and other fun and educational activities. As in the previous annual festivals in the Rec, the idea was to showcase the talents and interests of Tottenham’s communities and to promote community spirit. Over 70 local volunteers helped the day go smoothly.
The event was organised and co-ordinated by the Lordship Rec Users Forum**, the community-led stakeholders organisation who have driven forward the successful regeneration of the park over the last 10 years. £5m of construction works over the last 18 mths (£4m from the Heritage Lottery Fund) have resulted in a gorgeous brand-new flower-lined channel for the River Moselle, a new ‘Loop’ bike track and an Environmental Hub building with café and classroom, refurbishment of the Shell Theatre, restoration of the historic and nationally-unique Model Traffic Area, new meadows, flower-beds and tree planting, and general improvements to drainage, paths and entrances. The festival was able to introduce all these new features and facilities to local residents. Continue reading “Community Festival ‘re-launches’ Tottenham’s largest park following £5m improvements”
Lordship Rec Community Festival 2012
Saturday September 22nd, 1-5pm
A wide range of free activities for all ages and interests
Celebrate Our ‘New’ Park
Lordship Rec has been a public park for 80 years. It has boasted many unique features including the nationally reknowned Model Traffic Area plus the Shell Theatre. In 2011-12 major renovation works have taken place bringing these features back to life and adding new ones. We now have a stunning new course for the River Moselle, a state of the art bike track, an innovative ‘eco’ building with cafe, toilets, community room and classroom, and many other natural features.
Come and join in the fun!
Something for Everyone
Activities include:
• Variety of Sports, games and Exercise Tasters and Fun Run in the park and in the Broadwater Farm Community Centre. All for Free! Continue reading “Lordship Rec Community Festival 2012”
River Moselle Walk
Haringey’s ‘Forgotten’ River No Longer A Secret!
– Park users produce new pamphlet and organise successful walk to celebrate Haringey’s ‘forgotten’ River Moselle and its new open section in Lordship Rec
– 80 attend residents Walk on Sunday 24th June
To celebrate the launch of the new River Moselle guide and the restoration of the river in Lordship Rec, 80 residents took part in a 6 mile walk on Sunday 24th June along the route of Haringey’s ‘forgotten’ and mostly underground river. The walk was organised by the Haringey Friends of Parks Forum. It started from Queen’s Wood, Highgate at 10.30am (where particpants were able to view one of the Moselle tributaries which starts off as a trickle) and ended at Markfield Park by the River Lea at 4pm. On the way it stopped at many key points to hear about some of the history of the river, its features and its surroundings. Continue reading “River Moselle Walk”
Park Update and Friends AGM!
The regeneration works we’ve campaigned for are due to be completed in July. There’ll be a Celebration/Festival on Saturday September 22nd! Meanwhile why not attend the Friends Annual General meeting – All welcome!
SUNDAY 6th MAY, 2pm
In our temporary venue: Church on the Farm @ the back of the Opportunity Centre, Adams Rd, Broadwater Farm – 200 metres to the east of Broadwater Community Centre
Much of park remains open most of the time, but there’s disruption in some areas whilst works go on. A temporary ‘road’ has been created through the main field so the public can continue to use paths safely and paths aren’t damaged by works vehicles. Continue reading “Park Update and Friends AGM!”
The Trax AGM
10am – 11am Saturday 3rd Dec. Broadwater Farm Community Centre
Apart from drinking lots of tea, making lots of noise and generally chatting about stuff one of the main things we do at the AGM is vote in a committee. This is a very special year as much of the committee are moving on and or taking on non committee roles in the club. This opens up new opportunities as we enter the clubs next and must exciting phase as the Lordship Loop is born.
Willow Weaving Workshop
In Back2Earth’s Harmony Gardens
Broadwater Farm Community Centre, 1 Adams Road, N17 6HE
Run by Angie and Georgia, working on a selection of sculptural features in the gardens.
The dates and times of the workshops are as follows:
- Thursday 24th November 1-3 pm
- Friday 25th November 10-12am and 1.15-3.15pm
- Thursday1st December 1-3 pm
- Friday 2nd Dec 10-12am and 1.15-315pm
To register your interest please contact info@back2earth.org.uk and put willow workshop as the subject of your email.
Or ring the Back2Earth office on 020 8808 1829
Around the World in Eighty Days
Special drama/performance/consultation event
Thursday 1st September
The Shell Theatre
Lordship Recreation Ground, Lordship Lane N17 (main entrance opposite Waltheof Avenue)
11am-12noon: Drama workshops for all ages and abilities
1pm-2pm: Around the World in Eighty Days performance
11-3pm: Consultation
Admission: Free. All Welcome. Bring a cushion and a picnic if you like! Free refreshments will be served after the show.
Petitioning in Lordship @ the playground
As part of ‘Love Haringey’s Parks’ week (see press release at the end, below) park users in Lordship Rec are invited to come and help with the ‘No To Cuts In Our Parks’ Petition. Meet at the children’s playground at 12 noon for petitioning around the area for half an hour. We will then go to the Downhills Park community cafe to meet up with park users there, and maybe join in their ‘Butterfly Count’…