Over the last year the Friends have been working with The Conservation Volunteers and the Council’s Nature Conservation Officer, supported by the Parks Service, to produce a new 5-year Conservation Action Plan. The idea is to manage and improve biodiversity – and public appreciation of this biodiversity – throughout the Rec. Its based mainly on the work of the Friends and our various working groups over the last 15 years. See link below!
The coronavirus public health crisis – what we can all do
Lordship Hub to close for a while until it is possible to continue serving the park and our communities again
Hi everyone
Many people are thinking about what we can all do during this public health crisis to help each other and our communities. ‘What’ and ‘how’ need further discussion everywhere. Many new hyper-local mutual aid and solidarity groups in various streets and neighbourhoods seem to be being formed in the last few days, which is to be welcomed. Also to be welcomed is that the Lordship Rec Hub staff and board members held an emergency meeting on Saturday and agreed to try to stay open for as long as possible to support park users and our communities throughout the crisis. This is just the beginning and the Hub anticipates serious personal, financial and social challenges ahead – they will welcome extra support (more info to follow soon).
For all of us, in every street and block of flats, these are some of the things we can do to help the situation:
– spread good practice based on public health guidelines, regarding hygiene, distancing and advice/health helplines, etc
– encourage people to support each other if vulnerable, or in self-isolation
– try to ensure everyone has access to basic food needs etc
– try to ensure people can look after their kids OK if schools etc close
– try to ensure people who lose wages etc don’t face destitution or any threat of eviction from their homes etc
– support the hard-working and over-stretched emergency workers (eg health staff)
– keep general morale up
This is going to be a massive challenge for everyone. Please look after yourselves and each other.
In solidarity,
Dave Morris (Chair, Friends of Lordship Rec)
Lake Improvement work days
Hi all
We are working to improve the lake in the Rec with TCV on Monday 5th, Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th December using a grant we obtained from Trust for London
We are going to be preparing the lake for new planting early next year ready for the Spring. We will be constructing gabions, (metal cages full of stones) and positioning them along the inside edge of the lake ready for planting in Feb or March. We have chosen some new plants to go in the lake for next year which will create new habitats for wildlife, increase the health of the lake and also look lovely.
If we have time, we will also be constructing some new floating islands for the birds to use as nesting places.
Please feel free to come along and join in this outdoor work between 10am and 3pm on the above days.
Hoping to see you there!