Activities in the Rec and the Hub April 2018
(see Hub activities and classes by visiting:
Monday 2nd April 11.30-1.30pm
Egg Painting workshop in the Hub. Find out about the Easter Traditions of the Czech Republic and paint your own decorated egg. £4 (£3 for siblings) for egg and all materials.
Tuesday 3rd April, 10.30am-12.30pm
LRUF (Lordship Rec Users Forum) Meeting
Meeting for Stakeholders including Council Officers to discuss in detail maintenance and management issues in Lordship Rec and to discuss any proposals for new developments etc. In the Hub cafe.
Thursday 5th April, 2-4pm
Easter Egg Hunt in the Rec. Pick up your Hunt Map in the Hub foyer. Find Easter Bunny and friends dotted around the rec and win a prize.
Sunday 8th April, 1pm-2.30pm
Lordship Hub Members’ Meet-up and lunch at the Hub to meet other members and to discuss all things to do with the Hub, its progress so far and its future. (Lordship Hub Co-operative board is meeting at 10.30-12.30)
Wednesday 11th April, 6.30pm
Meeting of organising group for the 2018 Flower and Produce Show at the Hub. This year we are asking people to join in the planning so that we can make this years show bigger and better and the best yet.
Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 April 10 – 12.30 and 1.30 – 4.00 each day.
Practical Tree Care Workshops
led by Dick Tomlinson, Haringey Tree Officer.
Help us care for young trees, learn new skills, have fun! FREE. Meet at
the Hub in Lordship Rec at 9.45 for the morning sessions, and 1.15 for
the afternoons. No experience needed, but sorry, as we will be using
cutting and hammering tools, this is for young people and adults, but
not suitable for children. Wear suitable outdoor clothing and strong
waterproof footwear if possible. All tools provided.
Please let us know if you can come, so we can get the correct number of
tools ready. You can come for as short or long as you like. To book a
place and for more information email Sally at
after 4 April.
Saturday 14th April 3-5pm
Up On the High Road
N17 Community Play, performed by Tottenham Theatre, devised by Lynda Brennan and local residents. The play presents the stories of Tottenham residents – their journeys here, their arrival and the changes seen in a lifetime in the area. The stories are told with musical backing by local people themselves. Tickets £5 (pay on the day). Part of a weekend of activities at the Hub about Housing in Haringey
Sunday 15th April 2-5pm
Documentary Event and Housing Discussion
The Hub will be showing 2 documentaries: Concrete Soldiers UK, by Nikita Woolfe about the state of social housing in London, residents’ campaigns against demolitions and alternative approaches to housing solutions and SA61-Home, an interview with a resident of Broadwater Farm Estate, by local artist, Wendy Charlton.
There will be guest speakers and Q&A session after the films. Suggested donation £3. Resident of Broadwater Farm, Inga Bystram will have an exhibition of paintings of Broadwater Farm and its people, called I Love My Home in the Hub Cafe (throughout April from 4th)
Tuesday 24th April 2pm
Lordship Rec Wildlife Group meeting
The first meeting of the new year in the Hub Cafe. Planning conservation work in the Rec, future events and practical tasks to be done. Also planning Go Wild event for May 2018. (The green gardeners meet just before this at 1pm to discuss gardening and growing and do seed and plant swaps)